As usual those looking to jailbreak or unlock their devices should wait before updating to iOS 4.3.
This warning is especially important for those looking to unlock 01.59 on iOS 4.3 because the unlock for newer basebands is taking longer than expected.
Ultrasn0w unlockers should know the drill! Don't let iTunes trick you into installing today's 4.3 iOS. Just say no!
Sorry, there's no news on the i4 unlock for those who lost 01.59 (or never had it). It's taking longer than we wanted :(
MuscleNerd also notes that there are many possible sources for a untethered iOS 4.3 jailbreak. i0n1c, Comex, Charlie Miller, and possibly others.
BigBoss has also warned against performing an "unofficial" jailbreak due to issues with Apple’s implementation of address space layout randomization that messes up MobileSubstrate.
We'll keep you up to date with news on the jailbreak and unlock front as it becomes available.