Originally published October 15, 2008
I wrote this a few years back. Here I picked a shoe that has a special meaning to me. So without further ado, here is my story....
Ah yes, the original Air Jordan X. Originally released in 1994. Has it really been that long? Seems like only yesterday that I put these on my feet for the first time. These indeed were my first pair of Air Jordans, every kid's dream. The story behind them is one I surely will never forget.
It began in the summer of 1997. For the past few summers a few of my friends and I would goto a local park during the week where they had organized activities for kids where they'd play sports like dodgeball, kickball and such. Not to mention, games like arts & crafts, board games, etc. It was basically a place where parents could dump off their kids for a few hours and let them play with other kids under adult supervision while they were at work.
I had just finished seventh grade, and as the summer began so did the trips to the park. I had become friends with a kid named Mike who lived in Florida but came up to visit his grandparents every summer. We became good friends and for a few years would hang out religiously all summer long. Mike came from a more fortunate family then me so needless to say I always envied him. We both played basketball but aside from our height difference (I was only 5'4 at the time), there were other things that set us apart on the court.
The most noticable difference was footwear. He I remember was wearing the original Jumpman Team I in the white/black colorway. I on the other hand was still wearing the Fila Grant Hill III's in the white/black colorway. I always wanted a pair of Jordans but my parents could never afford to get me a pair no matter how hard I tried to pursuade them. Now the Grant Hill's weren't cheap, and I think they were around $80. Back then, $80 for a pair of sneakers that would be worn to the ground was a lot of money to my family.
One day after playing some ball at Mike's grandparent's house as the summer was winding down, Mike asked me what size shoe I wore. I was a size 6 (at least for a few more months), even though my height was slowly increasing my feet had not quite caught up (they would in the future as I now wear a sz. 12 and am only 5'9ish). He was I believe a size 10 at the time, not that it mattered. He then told me to wait outside for a second as he had to go talk to his grandma. I waited, and then he came back out and said come inside.
I followed where he took me into the basement. His grandma was already down there, and as I made it to the last step I saw them. I will never forget it, she was holding a pair of brand new original Air Jordan X's in the white/black/light steel grey colorway. Mike said that his grandparents bought him them when they came out and held them for him until he came up that following summer. Problem was that when he got there they didn't fit, so he never wore them and they had remained untouched in his basement since then, unfortunately without a box.
The next words out his mouth I will never forget, as he asked, "Do you want them?" Inside I was overwhelmed with excitement and without hesitation, I said, "I would love to have them!" Next thing I knew I had gotten my first pair of Air Jordans ever! I couldn't wait to tell my parents, and I later left Mike's and went home while keeping this all a secret (no matter how hard that was) until I got home. As soon as I got in the door I raced up the stairs and told my mother the exciting news. She was as happy for me as I was, and so was my father.
I put them on and wore them around the house calling a few people to continue to spread the excitement for one of the greatest moments in my life. Growing up I always wanted a pair of Air Jordans and could never get a pair, until now. Friends had them, others had them and now you could add me to the list. I was finally able to put all the naysayers to rest. All my life people always told me I would never have a pair of Jordans, saying I was too poor, etc, etc. So you know I couldn't wait to rub it in everyone's faces!
A few days later my best friend came back from visiting his family in Puerto Rico and I went to his house wearing MY Air Jordans. Another friend of ours lived a street over, and he was one of the kids that always said I would never get a pair. So we walked to his house, I rang the doorbell, which he answered, and I said, "You said I'd never have a pair of Jordans huh? Well look at my feet!" He stood there speechless. My work was done for now, and I couldn't wait til school began to wear them and show off to all the others who doubted me.
As school began and soon after basketball season started, I wore them for a few games until my feet began to hurt and I went with my mother to get a new pair. Little did I know the reason they were hurting was because my foot was now a size 10 and I was trying to cram my foot into a size 6 everyday - ouch! So it was time to retire my J's and go back to my normal routine of wearing Grant Hill's shoes. This thankfully was my last time I ever had to wear a pair of Filas, and when I entered high school I was back to wearing Jordans and that trend obviously never stopped.
I kept these Jordans as I said to my little brother than when he was a size 6 he could wear them and they would be his first pair of Air Jordans as well. After a few years this came true and it's truly a great memory to have knowing that both myself and my younger brother wore the same pair of Air Jordan X's and they were our first pair of J's as well. After he was done with them I got them back and to this day still have them and will never get rid of them.
Yes they are completely worn, some of the elastic straps are gone and only a few of the accomplishments remain on the sole and the laces are also missing. But that doesn't mean they lost any of their history and the memories I had in them. They forever will be my first pair of Air Jordans and Mike, wherever you are, thank you for giving them to me.