For years, much of the media has repeatedly criticized Ray Allen’s pre-game ritual as being over-the-top or as having Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. He has done the same thing for years with almost militaristic discipline. From taking his nap to shaving his head, from the food he eats to the relentless pre-game shooting before each and every game (today in a unique choice of footwear, see below), Allen puts in the time it takes to be the best ever. After last night’s game against the rival Lakers, nobody, not even Reggie Miller, has the right to criticize Allen for his routine because with 2,562 3 pointers in his career he is now statistically the best.
Last night, although the Celtics took a loss against their rivals, the defending champions Los Angeles Lakers, this game was about Ray Allen. It seemed like the players and fans knew a head of time that there wouldn’t be much substance to the game after “Sugar Ray” dropped in numbers 2,560 and 2,561. While the man he passed for the top spot sat on the sideline announcing the game, Allen pulled up from behind the arc in transition and just like we’ve come to expect after watching him for the last 15 years, nothing but net and the record was finally his.
After the first quarter ended Ray was honored with applause from the fans and both teams, and gave a respectful hug to Reggie Miller, the man he whose record he broke, and then hugged his mother, wife and children.
Though there were 2,560 before it, number 2,561 will forever be remembered as the most important. Ray’s Jordan 13 PEs featuring the Egyptian phrase meaning “it is written” are headed to the Basketball Hall of Fame to further commemorate his accomplishment.
So now with the record firmly in his hands, will Ray Allen finally relax on his rigorous routine?
Not likely, especially considering his shooting percentage being at 50.5 percent from the floor and 45.9 percent from beyond the 3-point line are both career bests, it seems he’s only getting better as he goes.